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The Student Alumni Society (SAS), is the Associations student equivalent structure to promote awareness of the role of alumni and contribute to student development. 


Prof Kotie Grove, an instrumental part of former UPE and NMMU (now Nelson Mandela University) has left a legacy within the university, Madibaz cricket club and South African cricket when he lost his battle to cancer recently.

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A large clearing adjacent to the main intersection in front of the main tower building on Nelson Mandela University’s South Campus awaits the establishment of a new solar farm, to supply the institution with green electricity going into the future. The project is planned to be completed by February 2019.

New Alumni Association President Khwezi Blose and Vice President Michelle Mbaco have already started engaging with alumni at national alumni gatherings in Eastern Cape, Western Cape and Gauteng sharing Association goals as well as getting feedback from alumni. Both the Association office bearers are also members of the University Council representing alumni.