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Alumni on Council
The Alumni Association recently elected Khwezi Blose, current Association Vice President, as one of two members elected by the Association to serve on Council. Khwezi is the CEO of Masakeni Civil Construction firm and the owner and MD of Siyaya Hygiene Services.

Later this year, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University will officially be launched as Nelson Mandela University.

To bear the name of one of the world’s greatest icons – a man whose humble beginnings, values and hopes resonate with our own hopes for a transformed and better future for all – is a huge honour and privilege.

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University recently celebrated the local and international success stories of graduates who have not just climbed the corporate ladder, but have become inspiring leaders and change agents in the process. 

The two most important functions of the Alumni Relations Office (ARO) can be defined as alumni relationship building and alumni resource mobilisation in support of the university’s goals. Organising fun and innovative networking and relationship building events that can contribute to resource mobilisation is an exciting challenge. Last year the ARO held a very successful wine tasting event presented by alumnus and wine expert Olga Hafner from Meridian Wines. This year alumnus and marketing manager at Mastertons, Gillian Pillay talked about coffee.

The NMMU Council announced on 22 February that Vice-Chancellor Professor Derrick Swartz has indicated that he will not be seeking renewal of his contract at the end of 2017 as he wishes to pursue other professional and academic interests. Council was made aware of his decision at the start of his second term of office, in January 2013. 

Educationist and businessman Dr Randall Jonas was appointed as the new NMMU Business School director, from January 2017. Dr Jonas is also the current Alumni Association President.