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A strategic decision to prioritise digital communication at Nelson Mandela University is reaping substantive results, including an international digital communication award.

The University had hoped that by this coming December it would revert to hosting its normal summer graduation ceremonies, but unfortunately the situation with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic has not yet improved to a level where it would be feasible and safe to do so.  In view of reducing the risks of spreading the virus, the University will once again be hosting virtual graduation ceremonies on 17 and 18 December 2020 for the students who have completed their qualifications during the 2020 academic year.
In the 2020 academic year, unprecedented in its historical significance the world over, Nelson Mandela University will pay homage to five outstanding men and women, who have made a remarkable contribution to society, through their work in the fields of literature, economic development and gender advocacy.
Carrying the name of one of the world’s greatest leaders brings with it enormous responsibility. This is something Nelson Mandela University takes very seriously, as it strives to be a university that is of service to society.