Mandela University kicks off autumn graduation at George Campus

A highlight in its annual calendar, Nelson Mandela University kicked off its autumn graduation season with two sessions at its George Campus, in the Western Cape, on Friday (05 April 2024).
New doctors in Nature Conservation Noxolo Ndlovu (far left) and Werner Conradie (far right) together with George Campus Director Dr Kalukwe Mawila and Mandela University Chancellor Dr Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi.
Celebrating 372 of more than 5 600 total graduands, Chancellor Dr Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi applauded the graduating students, families and friends who have supported them on their academic journey as well as Mandela University’s academic staff for the sacrifices made to reach this momentous achievement.
“In the spirit of gratitude, I’d like to ask the students to stand, and face the community who journeyed with you and give them a round of applause, in gratitude for the many sacrifices made in bringing you this far,” she said.
“On a more personal note, and I believe I speak on behalf of our University community, I’d like to thank our academic staff for their contribution to your success in completing your studies. This is what they work, strive, and live for – your success. So for them, your graduation today signals that they, too, have played their role and are doing so successfully what is expected of them.
“To you all, and on behalf of our University, our heartiest congratulations. To our graduands especially, our very best wishes go with you as you take your next steps into a new world, and one that we believe you will shape.”
The George Campus graduation ceremonies, held on the campus for only the second consecutive year, saw the conferring of two doctoral degrees in nature conservation and the capping of the first cohort of students in the new Bachelor of Honours in Natural Resource Management qualification introduced in 2023.
Namibia’s Ohms Kayama adds LLM degree as seventh qualification
Ohms Kayama will cap off an exceptional academic journey at Nelson Mandela University with a Master of Laws (LLM) degree, after he was reluctantly accepted without having a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree.
The soon-to-be double law graduate gained entrance into the LLM programme because of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
His other qualifications include a Diploma and B degree in Human Resources Management, a Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution, and a BCom Law.
The 37-year-old Namibian citizen initially completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Law Practice at Mandela Uni in 2018, and vowed to return for the LLM, which he would later pass with a treatise distinction.
Ohms registered for an LLB degree at the University of Nambia soon after and completed it in 2023.
His master’s treatise, which is to be published in either PER or the South African Law Journal is titled: “Regulation of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace in Namibia”.
The treatise aimed at answering to what extent Namibia’s legislative framework regulates sexual harassment in the workplace.
National appointment for Student Entrepreneurship Specialist Karen Snyman
Student Entrepreneurship Specialist at Nelson Mandela University Karen Snyman has been elected as the national EDHE (Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education) Chairperson for the Student Entrepreneurship Coordinators Community of Practice (SEC CoP).
“The knowledge experience and exposure gained from this role, will not only will benefit student entrepreneurs at Mandela University, but also align the University on a national level to address graduate unemployment and engage in entrepreneurship as a viable career option” says Karen.
“This places Nelson Mandela University at the forefront of student entrepreneurship development and the development of student entrepreneurship practitioners” she adds.
Mandela University is also confirmed as a pioneer in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, advancing the aspirations of Vision 2030 to ‘develop graduates and diplomats to be responsible global citizens capable of critical reasoning, innovation and adaptability’ beyond the walls of the University.
EDHE aims to develop the entrepreneurial capacity of students, academics, and leaders, for students to be more successful in becoming economically active during and after their tertiary education.