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1. How do I register for Nelson Mandela Alumni Connect?

Users can register for the platform via the following methods: LinkedIn, Facebook, Google or using your email address. Upon registration the first option to select would be how the user would prefer to sign up. User can select to use one of the social media platforms above or use their Google Address or email address. There is also a support option for any technical related enquiries.

2. What is my affiliation?

All users on the platform must choose their affiliation when registering to the platform. Your affiliation defines your relationship to Nelson Mandela University, eg. alumni, student, parent or staff. Currently users are able to choose alumni as their affiliation when registering.

3. What does Willing to Help/Seeking Help mean?

Upon registration the user may select options that they are interested in providing or receiving. The Admin team will attend to any queries you may have with this option.

4. What does the Opt-in selection in the registration process mean?

By opting in, users are stating which of the communications they will receive in future. This can vary from the Alumni e-newsletter to University events. Users can also change this setting in their profile at a later stage.

5. Where can I view the terms of use and privacy policy?

You can access the terms of use and privacy policy from the footer of the landing and registration pages. The link to Nelson Mandela University’s Privacy Policy will appear as part of the opt-in on the first page of registration.

6. How can I contact the alumni department?

Users can find the email address of the alumni department in the footer of the landing and registration pages to Nelson Mandela University Alumni Connect.

7. Why am I receiving the Activity Digest?

You are receiving the Activity Digest either because you are currently subscribed to this type of notification sent from your alumni platform, or because you are on the Nelson Mandela University’s mailing list. The Activity Digest has the latest communications compiled for our registered users.

8. How do I unsubscribe from the Activity Digest?

In order for Registered Users to unsubscribe from the digest, all that you need to do is click on the “unsubscribe” button located at the bottom of each Activity Digest that is sent out.

9. How do I delete my account/profile?

Any registered user can delete their account/profile at any stage. To delete your account/profile go to your account settings page. You can access this page directly from your profile page or the drop-down menu in the header. Click on the DELETE ACCOUNT option at the bottom of the page and follow the prompts.

10. What is the Alumni Directory?

The Alumni Directory is where you have access to search for any alumnus that might have been in your graduating year or any person you may know and want to connect with. There is an option to send them a message directly via the platform or invite them on Facebook. The free text search in the directory will search the user's entire profile, including free text fields. The results will filter as you type. You can use the filter option to search for fellow alumni via last name, surname, affiliation and location.

11. Guidelines to posting on the newsfeed

Any person registered can post to the newsfeed. Administrators have access to delete any content that goes against the University’s privacy policy or anything that infringes on the rights of other users and the University. Your newsfeed will be specific to the groups you have joined, the people you have connected with and the overall content posted by Admin.

12. Guidelines to posting albums on the platform

Any registered user can post an Album to the platform. Administrators have access to delete any albums or photos that goes against the University’s privacy policy or anything that infringes on the rights of other users and the University.

13. What is the function of the Settings option?

Settings allows you to manage your profile/account. You can change anything on your profile/account at any stage. In the settings options you can also change your notifications and privacy settings.

14. What is the function of the Home page

Your home page is your main landing page when going into Nelson Mandela University Alumni Connect. The home page also serves as your news feed where all recent posts by Admin and your connections are posted.

15. Why does the Nelson Mandela University Alumni Connect link not work?

All users do not use the same browser. The platform is user friendly with most internet browsers and we suggest using Chrome, FireFox or Safari for the best experience.