Change the world

The student protests that have swept the country since September 20 have received widespread coverage in the media. Higher education has been rocked by these protests and no one could have predicted the manner in which the situation has unfolded. Various media, including the pages of The Herald, have reflected the different concerns of parents, staff, management, students and the community at large.  


1501 proud NMMU alumni hail from Botswana, a landlocked topographically flat country located in Southern Africa and bordered by South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia. Botswana became an independent republic on 30 September 1966 and today the population of over 2m are proud citizens of a country once considered one of the poorest in the world to one of the fastest growing economies. The economy is dominated by mining, cattle and tourism  and its GDP is one of the highest in Africa ($18 825 in 2015).

The core community development project of NMMU’s Alumni Relations Office is to assist less resourced schools to set-up past pupil associations which in turn can assist with school development projects. Higher education is very dependent on a good schooling system and all stakeholders, including past pupils, can a play a role in ensuring that schools remain beacons of hope in our communities.

The Madibaz T-shirt campaign is still running – “A special T-shirt for a special cause.” Staff, students, alumni and friends are encouraged to support the SAS campaign to help raise funds for bursaries.

Communication is vital in crisis management, which is why in light of the current situation our universities find themselves SMSPortal is donating one million SMSs between Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) and the University of Cape Town (UCT).

The Bank of Singapore’s Chief Investment Officer was in the Bay this week to collect an Alumni Achievers Award from his alma mater, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.