Ayanda Mlatsha- Vice President

Ayanda Mlatsha BCur’12, Dip (Nurs Educ)’17, Masters of Nursing ‘21 is a registered nurse and is currently working as a Senior Professional – Living and Learning Office for Nelson Mandela University. Her other professional involvement includes serving as secretary of the South African Nursing Education Association PE chapter as well as the national Young African Leaders Forum. She is passionate about the Africanisation of Education and Leadership, mentoring and empowerment of young individuals, motivational speaking, life coaching and graduate employability.
Having grown up in Zwide, the University played and continues to play a big role in changing Ayanda’s life as a student and young academic considering all her personal development opportunities such as further studies and international exposure. Ayanda believes that the University has a big role to play in developing and supporting many more individuals in achieving their dreams. Being part of the Alumni Association Executive Committee is special to her because the Association and alumni can influence change, development and growth of the University as well as impact positively on society including local communities. The Association can also contribute to Mandela University becoming a true and even greater African higher education institution adhering to African values such as Ubuntu.
Her message to alumni and stakeholders, “We want to acknowledge your huge role in grooming our society. In Xhosa we say ‘Umntu ngumntu ngabantu’, which literally mean that a person is a person through other people. I plead with you to be part of the pathfinders who open opportunities for young individuals. Employ and train them in your companies as interns and young graduates and offer them scholarships. A small gesture of just coaching or mentoring one young person can definitely make a big difference in one life but also impact on many positively in our society. Be the Champion that You are and make a difference”.