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University News
The latest Nelson Mandela University information to keep you informed and up to date. This features news stories about outstanding achievements, new developments, announcements and successes at our University.
Alumni News
We would like to congratulate our Alumni for their hard work and dedication. You have made Nelson Mandela University proud!
For several years, Nelson Mandela University has been collaborating with Universum on the annual CareerTest, also known as the South African Talent Survey. Universum is a global leader in the field of employer branding and talent research. Universum has partnerships with national universities in South Africa through Alumni and Career Service departments. Through their market research, they aim to close the gap between the expectations of employers and talent, as well as supporting higher education institutions in their roles as it pertains to alumni and current students.
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and children. 
During the 2020/2021 period there was a greater focus on governance related matters and the average number of meetings and consultative sessions nearly tripled from average six to sixteen meetings, covering policy reviews (Alumni Association constitution and Alumni Awards policy), vision 2030 sessions (in collaboration with the Institutional Planning Office) and naming and renaming consultations (in collaboration with the Arts, Culture and Heritage Office). Council also approved the University’s Vision 2030 strategic plan in April 2021. 
Nelson Mandela University celebrated the success of 171 masters and doctoral students on Tuesday and Wednesday this week hosting its first in-person graduation ceremonies in two years.
Nelson Mandela University marked the realisation of its long-held dream to establish a medical school with an official launch on Tuesday, 30 November.
2021 Alumni Awards
From Olympic swimming pools to India’s cricket stadiums, from TV adverts that make us laugh and think to the banking tools that protect us from risk, from cars to recruitment, alumni from Nelson Mandela University are making a difference in diverse fields and in all parts of the world.