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Bamanye Matiwane - Alumni Association Institutional Forum representative

Bamanye Matiwane has been elected as the Alumni Association Institutional Forum (IF) Representative at a Special Election Meeting of the Alumni Association on 24 July 2024.
He currently serves as the Head of the Political Secretariat for the Medical Society and a Board Member for the Eastern Cape Provincial Education Advisory Council. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (2017) and BA Honours in Sociology (2019) from Nelson Mandela University. Bamanye served as President of the South African Students Congress (SASCO) and was a former Executive Board Member of NSFAS. He is a former SRC President of at Nelson Mandela University and served two terms and was a District Deputy Director for the Department of Small Business Development.
Bamanye Matiwane has extensive experience in analyzing, preparing, and reviewing policies. Over the past ten years, he has demonstrated proven leadership in student politics, as well as in administrative and leadership roles within tertiary institutions.