Change the world


Our gallery showcases the activities, engagements and community projects the Alumni Office have been involved in since our last e-newsletter.

CONVERSATION AND CANAPÉS… The recent event held at the Country Club in Johannesburg drew over 50 alumni and friends to join the Alumni Office and Nelson Mandela Business School in the conversation regarding the economic status of South Africa and the impact it has on higher education. 

SAS JOINS CELEBRATION… Nelson Mandela University Student Alumni Society displayed the newly launched University branded items at the International Culturefest during August. The day was filled with a global diverse atmosphere, representing the different countries our students come from. It included vibrant clothing, food and drinks tasting and live entertainment. 

PREPARING THEIR FUTURES… The Student Alumni Society in partnership with Standard Bank hosted an event themed "Savings: The student way." The event was held at the Xanadu Student Residence Cafeteria with more than 40 SAS members attending. The valuable lesson of saving for their future was the aim of the discussion. 

FROM STUDENT TO ALUMNUS … The Student Alumni Society invited 3 former SAS Presidents, who are now alumni to address the current members and students on "how they made it." They shared their stories about their student journey up until now and how they overcame trying times during and after university.