Change the world


Our Vice-Chancellor, Prof Derrick Swartz, has launched his 2016 fundraising campaign #Trailblazing.

At the launch, guests participated in a symbolic 430m walk around the NMMU stadium on South Campus symbolising the 43km, four-day Inca Trail in Peru which the VC and 22 others will be walking with the aim of raising R4m.  This will enable 160 academically deserving students who have completed 75% of their studies, but who had to drop out because of financial restraints, to each receive R25 000. 

Felow participants on the Inca Trail who attended the launch were entrepreneur, businesswoman NMMU alumnus Dr Bridgette Gasa and third-year Public Management Diploma student and Madibaz netball player Nandipha Jack representing the 160 students.



They will be joined by NMMU Chancellor Santie Botha and her husband, businesswoman Rojie Kisten and 17 businessmen from Business Doctor in the UK. Each will be raising funds for the campaign.

"My view is that no society, no civilisation has ever been successfully built without present generations investing in the education of future generations. As South Africans we must find ways or augmenting our universities' pressurised resources.

"My climb is part of this,and every single donation, from a few rand to more, is extremely important because it is about creating a strong culture of giving together for education, and coming together to create a more just and equal society," said Prof Swartz. He has been granted "special leave" to devote time and energy, among other matters, towards ensuring the financial viability and sustainability of the university."

Staff and students are encouraged to take up the challenge and support the #Trailblazing campaign – stories, photos and information, as well as a link the pledge page can be found on the #Trailblazing website at