Universum is a global leader in the field of employer branding and talent research. Universum has partnerships with national universities in South Africa through Alumni and Career Service departments. We look forward to our alumni participating in the survey. Click here to complete the CareerTest:
Preparing for a salary negotiation? See what your peers are earning.
Are you ready for your salary negotiation? Take the Universum CareerTest and find out! You will also:
Discover which of the 5 Career Types you are
Compare your current salary with others in your field
Find out which companies could be the best fit for you.
Get a free professional CV check.
Receive great recommendations for people with the same career profile as you
Get an opportunity to practice with some assessment tests used by top employers globally when recruiting.
Plus, enter to win one of 30 online vouchers worth R1000!
Your answers will also tell your university what to look for and help employers improve the quality of their service. The test is anonymous.