Change the world


The Alumni Annual Fund was launched at this year’s annual Alumni Thanksgiving Breakfast by the vice-chancellor, Prof Muthwa, and is an innovative approach to giving to encourage as many alumni as possible to give a small amount, of R50 a month or more if they can afford it.

It is all about building the culture of giving over a lifetime with a regular gift. You can even get a tax certificate and get a tax benefit for your donation.

We also welcome any major gifts or bequests as well as support to help increase our third stream income sources both locally and globally. Major gifts are normally single amounts that can start at R10 000 to R1m and bequests include in provision made for the University in last wills and testaments which can include assets or cash.

You can even make the University a beneficiary of your life policy. We are simply planting the seed, ladies and gentlemen, just in case you do have some spare cash for a good cause.

The Alumni Annual Fund can assist in the following ways:

1.       Support for undergraduate students who perform academically but require financial support including those missing middle.

2.       Support for postgraduate students who require financial support in order to increase postgraduate intake.

3.       Support for student development services and enhancing the student experience.

4.       Grow the University Endowment fund to ensure future sustainability of the University.


There are also benefits to giving and include:

1.       Assisting deserving students at under-and post graduate levels to graduate.

2.       Supporting the University to achieve its vision and goals.

3.       Contributing to the development of people and the country.

4.       Strengthening the alumni network and involvement.

5.       Tax benefits for qualifying donors.


Your alma mater is entering a very exciting era in its history and we have many exciting plans.

For more information regarding the Alumni Annual Fund please visit or contact