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Alumni has hosted a number of events and partnered up with other departments, external and internal partners aiming to friendraise and raise awareness regarding campaigns Alumni Relations have hosted.

CELEBRATING OUR ALUMNI … This years Alumni Awards was held at the NMMU Vodacom Indoor Centre on 30 October 2015, this years recipients were back from left, Ruan Viljoen (Rising Star), Nicholas Graham (Achiever), Gugu Nxiweni (Rising Star), Prof Lennox Nqkubela Ruxwana (Rising Star), Songezo Zibi (Rising Star) and Patrick Upton (Achiever); front from left Kevin Hustler (Special Award), Andrew Hannington (Achiever), Michelle Brown (Special Award) and Zola Yeye (Special Award).

JHB ALUMNI EVENT ... Johannesburg alumni recently gathered at an event held at the Country Club JHB to hear about institutional developments, alumni activities and to network. Director of Alumni Relations Paul Geswindt is joined by Ms Annelien de Witt and Adv TJ Ferreira LLB ’77 and Khwezi Blose BSc Hons QS  ‘06 who is also an Alumni Association Executive Committee member.

GEORGE GET – TOGETHER…  This year's Alumni Social took place at the NMMU George Staff Lounge. A number of alumni and friends attended the event. Director: Alumni Relations Paul Geswindt hands over a cheque for R10 000 to George Campus Principal Prof Quinton Johnson towards student bursaries.

GIVING THANKS … This year's Alumni Association Thanksgiving Breakfast was held at the NMMU Chancellor's Lounge on South Campus. Nearly 80 people attended among these attending were Nolutsha Gayiya (from left), Mziyanda Bloro, Balisa Ntloko and Nozibele Qamngana.

ICEP BRAAI … This year's braai was held at the NMMU Alumni Campus Boma, aimed at  participants of the Immersion processes hosted by ICEP (the Institutional Culture En-livening Process) and NMMU Alumni Relations. This aided in deepening conversations to create social spaces for staff to meet and interact with on campus. Attending the event were Harshiela Riga (back from left), Ilze Olckers, Paul Geswindt, Piet Roodt, Allan Zinn (front from left) and Robert Pearce.