The mission of the Alumni Association it to support and enhance the realization of the University's vision and mission through maintaining and expanding positive relationships with its members and through utilising and maximising their expertise, goodwill and influence in support of the University.
The executive committee strives to uphold the mission of our institution with the various roles each member performs.

Newly elected NMMU Alumni Association Executive Committee (EXCO) … Association members elected a new executive committee at the recent AGM held at the North Campus Conference Centre … back from left, Director: Alumni Relations and Association Secretary Paul Geswindt, EXCO elected members Welcome Kupangwa, Sonnetta Human, Michelle Mbaco, front from left, Alumni Council representative Prof Hugh Jeffery, Vice President Khwezi Blose, President and Council Representative Dr Randall Jonas, Treasurer Elmari van de Merwe and EXCO elected member Ayanda Mlatsha.
Other ex-officio members of the executive include:
Additional University Representatives:
Dean of Students: Luthando Jack
Deans Forum Representative: Dr Muki Moeng
Director: Marketing Corporate Relations: Pieter Swart
CEO of the NMMU Trust: Dr Denver Webb (Acting)
SAS President: Sakhumzi Dukwa
SRC President: Xabiso Nicholas Nyati
Alumni Relations Coordinator: Santhoshini Petersen (Alumni staff)
University Shop: Baakier Abrahams (Alumni staff)
Goals and functions of the association include:
enhancing the image of the association both inside and outside the NMMU community as an important stakeholder body and asset to NMMU to support the realization of the university’s mission and goals;
to foster loyalty to and pride in NMMU among members through effective communication so that they may positively influence others;
to promote, protect and maintain the rights of the Alumni Association and to promote the ideals and purpose of the University to constituencies and stakeholders of the university.