Alumnus, Tatenda Mapeto a PhD student in the School of Natural Resource Management at the George Campus for her appointment on the 2017 strategy review panel for the International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO)
The current IUFRO Strategy “Interconnecting Forests, Science and People” will be completed in 2019, and a new Strategy for the period 2019-2024 will be adopted at the XXV IUFRO World Congress to be held in Curitiba, Brazil during October 2019.
A poignant moment between a mother and her son captured the hearts of guests at a NMMU graduation ceremony at the Indoor Centre on South Campus this week.
Anastasia Petratos,50, director of the department of information communication technology at NMMU, who graduated with a PhD in information technology, had the honour of capping her eldest son, BSc Hons in Zoology graduate Anthony Evlambiou, 23.
She said the ecperience was very emotional and special.
NMMU lecturer pushes social entrepreneurship (Published April 2017)
“Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for years.” This Chinese proverb is the personal philosophy of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) PhD graduate Paul Tai-Hing.
Dr Paul Tai Hing flagged by his supervisors, Prof Chris Adendorff (left) and Prof Miemie Struwig.
His thesis, supervised by Prof Miemie Struwig and co-supervised by Prof Chris Adendorff, is titled “A Framework to Implement Social Entrepreneurship Activities in Higher Education” has been dedicated to the thousands of students he has taught and is yet to teach.
In his thesis, he highlights a series of case studies of social entrepreneurship projects that were implemented in the classroom of his first- and second year Management students.
These case studies explore the possibilities of how the classroom space and its students can be utilised to set up social enterprises, to be used to improve the conditions of the many disadvantaged and disenfranchised communities within which the university exists.
Being disabled no handicap for determined masters student (Published April 2017)
April has been quite a month for Lennon Jarman. Firstly, he won two gold medals at the national championship for the physically disabled and on Tuesday he graduated with a masters degree in clinical social work at the national championships for the physically disabled were held in his home town of Port Elizabeth last week.
Jarman, who works as a social worker at the Ernest Malgas Treatment Centre in New Brighton, said he felt fabulous about getting his masters degree. Before gaining his masters, he acquired a BA and BA honours degree in psychology. Jarman said he wanted to inspire other disabled people and hoped they would “get the same opportunities to study, work and not be pushed into a sheltered lifestyle”.
BSc Dietetics students make History (Published April 2017)
Excited and proud to have made history, eight young women beamed as they crossed the stage at the capacity-filled South Campous Indoor Centre, having travelled from various parts of the country where they are currently doing their community service.
The BSc Dietetics qualification is one of the many steps towards the realisation of South Africa’s 10th medical school at NMMU by 2020, aimed at addressing the critical shortage of qualified and registered dietitians in South Africa and, in particular, the Eastern Cape. The programme has since its inception in 2013 seen a growth from the initial intake of 11 students to 72 currently.
Director awarded Medal of Honour (Published April 2017)
NMMU Centre for High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) Director Prof Jan Neethling, who has been awarded a Medal of Honour in Science and Technology by the South African Academy for Science and Arts.
Prof Neethling was honoured for his unabated drive and passion to raise awareness and obtain the necessary funds to establish this modern High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Centre with four electron microscopes to the value of R96 million, a specialised building and knowledgeable staff. In this way, he has elevated NMMU to one of the leading material research universities in the country.